Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I don't think that I will ever blog in the future because I dont know what I would ever talk about.  This might change but as of now I doubt I will ever blog when I am older.  The movie was actually very interesting because she used blogging as a way to express he feelings about her hobbie of cooking.  This was something that she did on her own time and in the end paid off.  She loved to write and blogging was a great way for her to practice.  All her writing in the end worked out for the better because she recieved calls from editors that wanted her.  I thought it was also very interesting when she knew no one was reading her blogs in the begining but she still continued.  I like how she was so persistant and determined to finish what she has started. 
Blogging as annoymous would be a good idea because 2% of people get fired from their jobs because of what is being said on their blogs.  I think people need to be careful of what they put on the interenet that everyone could see.  I don't think the people actually writing these blogs realized that their boss or coworkers would ever see it but it does happen. 

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